Kazriko's Dive
Or at least another rumor log on the fire.
FF7 (Dead Link)
Nintendo’s comments (Link dead) say that their Gameboy console has sold 120 million worldwide and that it was the top selling console of all time. I’m kind of curious as to which of their consoles are rolled into this fact. Where do you draw the line on what is the same console or not?
If you go strictly by the formfactor and generation, there’s no way that any one of the gameboy line has produced 120mil on their own.
I was first intrigued when I read the headline of this article: New policy lets students skip class, still pass. (link dead) I’ve long been an advocate of a class structure that would allow students to progress at their own pace, and to be graded not on Busyhomework* and Attendance, but rather on final exams and meaningful projects. I was quite disappointed when I realized that it wasn’t the result of this that they were able to pass, but because of people gaming a system that had so lowered the bar that they couldn’t fail.
(link is dead)
“You have to have Sony everything. That’s not always going to be the best choice for people, simple as that. The iPod is creaming them in the music business at the moment, and I think that’s a classic example of where, if you lock yourself into one hardware company, you’re limiting your decisions.”I don’t think I have to tell anyone familiar with Microsoft’s tactics how amusing this is.
Firstly… Yay!
Secondly, if you haven’t seen Venture brothers you really should try and catch an episode or two, or even buy the DVD. If you have seen it and like it, you should definitely consider the DVD. :) I’m probably going to pick up my copy tomorrow if I can find one in town.
When you actually read the article you find out that increased levels of CO2 are causing Poison Ivy, along with most other plants that use CO2, to grow faster and be stronger. This is kind of a natural balancing mechanism really. Plants not only use less water, but use more CO2 and grow larger when there’s an excess of CO2.
Wii’s Retro Controller is using the traditional PS1-3 dualshock control layout!
I wonder how well it will work without the little handles, but at least it’s a step up from the Xbox and Gamecube’s offset analog sticks. Those things annoy the crud out of me.The more traditional button layout (from the SNES) is also a welcomed change from the gamecube.I hope the DPad is based on the Gameboy Advance and not the squishy unstable mess that was the Gamecube’s Dpad.
Wild Arms 4. Only took 27 hours and 40 minutes, counting the ending sequence. It was only $30 at the store so it’s about par for the RPG course as far as value per dollar. The storyline is quite a bit deeper than most Wild Arms games, as is the battle system and puzzles. It’s a refreshing change from the fairly bland battles in Wild Arms 3. The ending is rather a downer though.
Mr. Hugo Chavez (Link Dead) is upset about a video game now. Mercenaries 2 takes place in his country after all. He thinks that it’s the blueprint for invading his country. Never mind that the first Mercenaries game was set in North Korea and we still haven’t invaded there yet.
Shouldn’t he be complaining about Front Mission 4 too then? Half of it takes place in Venezuela showing guerrillas and some US mech pilots overthrowing a corrupt greedy dictator much like Hugo Chavez too.
Why I get stressed out whenever someone says the word “gouging” and aren’t referring to eyes.
Because I have looked at enough of the economics of the situation to know the truth. Too bad more people don’t bother to do the same.