
Kazriko's Dive

February Multimedia Completion

Eesh, it’s the last day of February. That month flew by fast. Books: 1. Wraiths of Time: Another Andre Norton book. This book was the reason I didn’t get any books finished in January. It just dragged… 2. Quantum Connection. A book by Travis Taylor on the other end of the spectrum, I finished this book in 2 days. It’s one of those wish fulfillment sort of books where the geeky main character is brilliant and reverse engineers things, and the situation he’s thrown into just happens to need that skill exactly.

Vita, and other stuff

While looking at the intellectual property notices of my Vita, I saw some interesting tidbits. Netfront from Access Co in japan is apparently still the web browser for this thing, Access Co is the company that owns the PalmOS operating system and the Graffiti text entry method. It uses Skyhook for location services. Open source components it uses? Blist, CyrusSASL, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Freetype, Giflib, libEtPan!, libjpeg, liftiff, MD5, squish, strlcpy.

Sony's tantrums and bully tactics

I’m pretty much frustrated with Sony at the moment over their behavior with the PS3. It’ll take a bit of a history lesson to really understand why what they’re doing is so offensive to many of their open-source supporting fans. In the beginning, there was Atari, and a few other assorted groups. Game consoles pretty much operated on the old model, you make money on the console, you make money on the games you sell, but other people can sell games too for your system.

January 2011 Multimedia

Books: 0. I didn’t finish one by the end of the month. It took until the 2nd of February… Games: 1. Tales of Monkey Island ep 5. Rise of a Pirate God. I thought this was an excellent episode. Tales of monkey island was pretty good overall too. I liked to see the insult swordfighting come back with a twist. 2. Strongbad’s Cool Game for Attractive People, Episode 1. Crazy actually playing this surreal twisted kids show of a world.

Sony NGP

I know I shouldn’t get excited about a console that is coming out in around a year, and that probably won’t have much in the way of software at launch… But here’s what is known and unknown. Size. About 1.2cm taller, 1.2cm wider than the PSP3000. Exact same thickness. It has internal memory for storage of games like the PSP Go. Games will be sold on cartridges, similar to the DS.

Fallout New Vegas Hardcore Mode: A Plan

There will be spoilers in this, I’m sure. The plan outline: 1. The Independent path seems to be the easiest to do for this. Nearly all of the bits of it are optional. Charge through the quest as fast as possible. 2. Unarmed weapons seem to be the most useful in the game. This also means that in hardcore mode you’ll be carrying less stuff around with you. 3. To complete the ending as a very wimpy character, you need 100% speech to avoid combating the final boss.

Penn Likes Media...

Penn posts a list of things he liked. Kind of a yearly aggregate compared to the monthly one I do. Maybe I should condense my lists down to a yearly aggregate as well, but keep the monthly ones as reference?

December 2010 Multimedia Completion

Books: 15: Scott Pilgrim & The Infinite Sadness, 16: Scott Pilgrim Gets it Together, 17: Scott Pilgrim vs The Universe, 18: Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour, The further in you get on this series, the more it diverges from the movie. There’s a TON of things that match up, but often they’re done by completely different characters in the two genres. I enjoyed both. 19: Android at Arms. An interesting book, but it leaves a lot of loose ends.

More net neutrality nonsense

Received another comment on the FCC and net neutrality via a friend on Twitter. The Internet Splits in Two I’m still trying to figure out exactly what part of what he’s saying that is new, that will suddenly create this bifurcated internet. Paying more for higher speeds? In 1997 I could pay more to use 56k rather than 33.6k. In 2001 I was paying $120 per month so I could have 128kbps internet instead of 56kbps at $40.

Back to the PS2

There was that time back during the PS2 where I went back and played PS1 games that I recalled having pretty good graphics. And I realized that these games have really awful graphics compared to what I was playing. Last night, I pretty much had my PS1 moment except by comparing PS2 games to PSP and PS3 games. I recently finished both Sly Cooper 1 and 2 on their HD Remakes, and realized that they had left intact a few of the old SD cutscenes.