Kazriko's Dive
Since I’m not finishing as many games as I used to, I suppose I should tone the goals down a bit.12 PS3 games. (Including Disgaea D2 and Ni No Kuni)Finish: PSMini, PSP, GBA backlogs (Zenonia, Valkyrie Profile Lenneth, LOH: Tears of Vermillion, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn) 2 Windows games. (Perhaps Ys: Naphishtim and Chantelise?)At least half of the new releases that I purchase on day 1.4 PlatinumsThat brings my called games from 24 down to 18, which is close to my 1/3rd decrease in completions from 2015 to 2016.
2009: 7 games Platinum: 22010: 41 games Platinum: 52011: 22 games Platinum: 02012: 43 games Platinum: 112013: 70 games Platinum: 42014: 84 games Platinum: 12015: 92 games Platinum: 52016: 64 games, Platinum: 7 (Current pace, 64 games/yr.)2016 goals:
20/20 PS3 games (* for goal) 4/4 other games from obsolete platforms, such as PS1, PS2, PSP, Dos, Wii, DS, PSMobile… (Games with a ** at the end are for the goal.) 7/4 Platinums acquired *** 2.
I’ll add some space here for people who want to avoid spoilers.
The institute… Shawn told me when I arrived that he was afraid of what I’d heard about them going in. Told me that he would correct the misconceptions. I talked to all of the heads, I wandered around and listened to conversations. The vast majority of what I heard in the commonwealth has been confirmed.
I was recently sharing posts on the need for both sides to calm down in the Sad Puppies 3 thing going on with the Hugo, and one of my friends on the site replied to me about how they recently had a run-in with someone whose twitter feed was full of Gamergate and SadPuppies tagged retweets, and how it made them feel unsafe, given that gamergate people will, if you push them too hard, sometimes dogpile on you, dox you, and attack all of your friends.
11. Mii Force (3DS) 2/13. I don’t recommend this one. it’s my least favorite of all of the 3DS Mii Streetpass games.12. Valkyria Chronicles (PS3) 2/18. I enjoyed this game, but I was really ready for it to be done.13. Suikoden 2 (PS1) 2/22. A pretty good game, though not my favorite from the series.14. Pathpix Boo (Android) 2/28. Pathpix is always a good timewaster.Videos:
Apparently, I forgot to watch anything in February.
1. Nano Assault Neo (PS4) 1/5. Not the best game. It wants to be Super Stardust, but isn’t quite as good.2. Fat Dragons (PSVita) 1/11. Essentially, it’s Joust.3. Lone Survivor: Directors Cut (PSVita) 1/13. Trippy game. Worth playing at least once.4. Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete (PS1) 1/17. Finished this, and later finished the epilogue. One of the more expensive games that I’ve ever played. I had to buy a new set of the game to finish it because the second disc was scratched.
The Martian Sunrise Alley The Mistborn series The Quantum Vibe series A Mad Tea Party Games: I finished so many games, that I couldn’t cut it down to a top 5…
Danganronpa 1 & 2 Xenoblade Chronicles Odin Sphere Factorio South Park: Stick of Truth Transistor Valiant Hearts Broken Age 1 Fez Rogue Galaxy Videos:
Guardians of the Galaxy Adventure Time (S1-3) Madoka Magica South Park S18 Sword Art Online
Books: Nada
80. Fantasy Life (3DS) 12/1 Like a little offline FF14 game. I completed it without ever going to a combat oriented class. Tough playing it this way, but the game is good, mindless fun. A good one to veg out to. 81. Rollers of the Realm (PSVita) 12/22 Great game. Worth playing. I’d only change a few things I think. 1. Losing all of the exp and gold from a level is a bit too punitive.
Look at this series of comics…
8 months, 7 comics, all one continuous story being told in the background.
Wow, I spaced this thing out for 3 months. Guess I was too busy.
61. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (PS3) Very interesting game, worth playing. 62. Infamous: First Light (PS4) A worthy addition to the series. I enjoyed it however brief it was. 63. Hohokum (PS4) Very interesting. Very little storyline, but interesting. 64. Serena (Linux) Also for PC. About an hour long adventure game where you mostly just poke around trying to find new dialog on all the random objects around you.