
Kazriko's Dive

Silly reporters

Something about new DVD formats from business week. But at least one claim isn’t true.OPTING OUT. The new content-protection scheme would be the first time customers who have no intention of breaking copyright laws would be penalized because of piracy concerns. Current DVD releases like Batman Begins and Walk The Line include software to prevent unauthorized duplication, but still play normally.Not true. Customers who have no intention of breaking the law are penalized constantly for piracy concerns.

Global Cooling

To paraphrase Jay Bennish, “I’m not saying that global warming isn’t happening and the whole thing is a scare, but there are eerie similarities between the current global warming talk and the 70’s talk (Link Dead) about global cooling” :)

South Park

One of the few articles to actually say something different… (Link Dead) This one had me laughing at work. And, of course, pissing people off remains the pair’s top priority. “We’ve always been f***-the-system punks,” says Stone. “And the only way to be punk anymore is to go into a party and say, ‘George Bush f***ing rules!’”

Religious Zealot Update

Fascinating display of religious intolerance and an example of what is to come if this religion is allowed to have their laws inserted into constitutions around the world. Afghan authorities are trying Abdul Rahman, a 41-year-old Christian convert, on charges of rejecting Islam – a death-penalty offense under Afghanistan’s constitution, which is based on Islamic law.Gee, rejecting islam. This could also be applicable to people who are not muslim. Imagine this scenario.


Tunnels across the border (Link Dead) are pretty common. What I’m wondering is, why don’t we have sensors to detect these? Mythbusters demonstrated a tunneling alarm drum that was very simple and primitive, but could probably be refined into some sort of automated sensor for digging. Why not put these every so far along the border then monitor them from a central location?

Why conservatives shouldn't try to overturn RvW

It has been very useful culturally for the conservatives. ;)

Galciv Game, Second Part.

I’m afraid it turned more into a fight by fight log of the game rather than a dramatization towards the end here. Ah well.Shortly after the escape from the Dreadlord system, Fleet 2’s commanders realized they were still being followed. The same 4 Dreadlord ships that had previously set the trap for them were following them, along with another new Dreadnought class ship. They couldn’t lead these beasts home so they would have to delay their refit temporarily.

Games shelf out of control

My games shelf is truly out of control. I can’t polish games off fast enough to keep up anymore. I just finished Dragon Quest 8 the other day. 81 hour 45 minutes as of the end of the ending sequence. I also finished getting all the trophies in Ratchet and Clank 3. The problem is that this week I picked up 2 new games for my birthday. Grandia 3 and Wild Arms 4.

Deadly sins made by poorly designed capitalist systems.

I’m sure I’m going to piss almost everyone in my friends list off about this in one way or another. ;) The other day I was over at my brother’s house and the subject turned to taxation systems. He stated that he had started switching to the idea that a progressive tax was better due to the growing wealth gap in the country. I replied with one of my old ideas, the deadly sins that capitalist systems make that cause them to be less efficient.

Developer very attached to his PS3 dev kit...

Facinating… From the article:Calver shifted to the defensive last night, citing frustration with the way people reacted to his post and confirming his comments would have been the same if he was working on the PC or even Xbox 360. “For the record, I quite enjoy developing on the PS3 and would love to see what a small indie team could do with her,” he says. “As a lead, I don’t get much time programming but I actually use PS3 development as relaxation.