
Kazriko's Dive

More on the health insurance mandate

I’ve heard a bit more on the whole Mass. health insurance fiasco. First, their initial goals: They wanted to eliminate people getting free health care by going to the emergency room. A somewhat admirable goal. The Republican’s initial plan: Require either health insurance or a 10k bond to show you can pay it yourself, if you get neither then they reduce your tax exemptions. They assist you in paying for health insurance based on your income.

More stupidity

Islamic groups in the US claim they are coming with nukes, show pictures of islamic flags over the white house. and“It is the duty of Muslims to destroy all types of private American aircrafts that are of the types Gulf Stream and Lear Jet and all small jet aircraft usually used by distinguished (people) and businessmen,”While these alone aren’t enough, they’re just more straws tossed in the never ending pile. It’s to the point now where my optimism has been sufficiently squished to the point where the “treat their culture as equals” option is off the table.


This is the second time in so many months I’ve heard of something that is a supposed “racial slur” and not even known what they were talking about. Both were in relation to our Secretary of State Condi Rice. The first was a few months ago when a radio talk show host was fired when he was talking positively of Rice and of her prospects of becoming the next presidential candidate when he said that it would be a “coup in the washington political circles” for her to do so.

Microspeciated Biodiversity

All kinds of reports are coming out these days about “loss of biodiversity” and how we’re going to lose X number of species by Y year. The underreported story though is how limited these species are in area. With what they’re calling species these days, we’ve almost certainly underestimated how many species have been lost in the past. Things like a rare species of cactus that only grows on a short stretch on one side of a road in colorado.


The more I read about islam, the more pessimistic I become of its ability to ever be integrated into civilized society… Killing your family for fun and sport, and having it supported by your culture and religion. (Link Dead)

Mass. health care...

They’re nuts there. I think we established that back in 04, but this takes the cake. Universal health insurance required?Just… nuts…Firstly, the current Mass. governor is Mitt Romney, right? If he signs this thing I’ll have to drastically revalue his place in the primaries in a couple years. Anyone who would sign in this abortion of a law doesn’t deserve to be president. Sadly, I suspect our current president qualifies in that category.

Immigration. The compromise...

I’m now less upset about the initial protests where they were claiming that they wanted to take over the southwest and kick everyone there back to europe. I guess that means I can outline the plan I thought of over the past few months about how to deal with immigration without being unfair to legal immigrants already here. Basically, you have to punish those who came here illegally for that crime, then allow them to transfer back to the legal path after that punishment.


I tried. Really, I did. I spent lots of time trying to figure out a fair way of improving our immigration system to promote legal immigrations and still find a way to allow the illegal aliens to eventually become legal after paying a debt to society (greatly higher than the one paid by ones who came in entirely legally.) Then I saw this site made by some of the marchers in california.

Movies and Copy Protection.

Copy protection in movies doesn’t bother me as much as it used to. Why? Because I just don’t watch movies anymore. I had to think really hard about the last movie I saw in theaters, or the last few DVDs I’ve purchased. (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy for the last theater movie, Wallace and Gromit, Father of the Pride, and Serenity for DVDs.) The Hollywood movies these days are just so pretentious and boring that there’s really no point anymore.

Russia and the Ukraine

I see Russia’s little gambit to manipulate the Ukrainian political process through extortion was successful. I wonder what country they’ll target next?