Kazriko's Dive
I voted for Wayne Allard, and will almost certainly do so again despite certain groups that are trying to derail him. In particular, Time published an article calling him one of the worst senators in the senate…
And calling Dick Durban, Arlan Specter, John McCain, and Ted Kennedy among the best.If that’s what they call a GOOD senator, then I’m voting for the bad ones, thanks. Especially when your damning takes the form of “Allard, 62, is well liked among his colleagues.
WB is using Bittorrent as a delivery method for selling their movies. It’s about time some studio thought of this. BitTorrent has always been, in my mind, the best way to share legal data quickly without overburdening one individual connection on the net. Almost all of the linux distributions use it for their install cds, for example.
WB uses BittorrentOn the other hand, the way they’re doing it is basically letting anyone get the file itself, but you have to purchase a DRM key to actually play it.
I find I can no longer take some websites seriously. In particular, when doing a search for reviews on last night’s premier of the Glenn Beck program, almost all of the google news articles were from one source: The humorless saps at Media matters.
Looking at this article in particular, it’s nothing at all he’s ever tried to hide. He used to be an alcoholic. He was a jerk. He’s since found a new religion and straightened up his act.
China’s bad habits abroad? (Link Dead)
Being loud? Being Rude? Hmm. Do they speak chinese really, really, loud so that all those dumb foreigners understand them?China, the new USA! :p
First, the communism. It’s becoming quite prevalent now. Venezuela has been that way for awhile, and now they’ve exported the revolution fully to Bolivia sending troops to claim foreign owned company equipment and assets at gas fields. (Link Dead)
Well isn’t that special? It seems that while the former russian protectorates are becoming more Libertarian, our own hemisphere is becoming more and more statist.Now to the fairness doctrine that the democrats are now preaching as the answer to their shrinking voting base problems.
Net neutrality. This is a very thorny issue. I can see both sides of the issue as well as bringing up a third I haven’t heard anyone make yet. I’ll see if I can summarize the issues correctly here.
The Telecom businesses are saying that they would like to be able to improve the quality of service for businesses that give them more money. This would mostly be done by flagging packets from certain places as higher priority and multi-queuing them in the routers of their backbones.
Nintendo Rev has a new name, “Wii”
Now they just need to release an accessory for it, perhaps some sort of cover… the “Gii”Then you would have a Nintendo Wiigii.Hopefully the console doesn’t end up like the mythbuster’s definition of “wee.”
Oil companies aren’t making enough money! (Link Dead)
Oil companies are making too much money!
I’ve not really commented on it because it doesn’t really affect me that much. I set aside $90 per paycheck for gas way back when I bought my new car. Before that I was putting away about $45 per paycheck. The old car could do 33 and the new one did 25, and I anticipated the prices going up and budgeted it in advance. Right now I’m using most of the gas budget.
Windows activation gets ever tighter. (Link dead)
Man, if it weren’t for FFXI and GalCiv2 being a windows programs, I’d be completely off windows by now. X_xAt least I’ve managed to reduce my windows usage at home to just those few programs, while doing most stuff on my linux secondary desktop.