Kazriko's Dive
Looking through the listing at what is and isn’t supported between the editions lead to some interesting results.
None of the home editions support SMP. They do support dual-core though.The 64 bit editions of the home versions are restricted to 8-16 gigabytes. Not that home users are likely to max this out within the next year or so, but it’s still an interesting choice where this OS may last for 6 years like XP has.
I commented on this before, but it seems someone has dredged it up and made it a front page news item again.
Sony could potentially prevent sales of used games (Link Dead) which in turn would prevent usage of the games on more than one console in the house, and potentially prevent you from taking your game to a friends house to play with them.They’ve had the patent on this… Since 2000.
Dogs find DVDs in cargo.
While all the dvds they found were legitimate, it seems like they may be actually hunting after the people who really are costing them money instead of going after the consumers for once. Hopefully they’ll refocus on this and leave us alone in the DRM arena for awhile. (Not likely, but it is nice to dream once in awhile.)One hint that they might possibly be seeing the light is that they’ve delayed ICT Downgrading for a few years.
I’m not feeling up to a full RNTM writeup, so I’ll just post this url here.
They’re discussing the control schemes for Rayman on the Wii
It sounds absolutely dreadful to me. Swinging your electronics around over your head? Probably knocking over lamps and the like? Looks like Mark Rein could be right. All kinds of gimmicky games are going to be released before they settle back on stuff that works.
Microsoft’s new little avaricious venture
They see people buying prepaid phones and want to get in on that market. They decide they will sell cards that give you more time running your cheap little computer. The problem with this is that the mobile phone companies are selling you a cheap phone, then selling you the cell tower service in metered bits. Microsoft is trying to sell you the right to use something you already purchased, your computer, in metered bits.
Microsoft’s Vista Upgrade Adviser is supposed to tell you what you need to upgrade your clunky old computer to Vista…
Too bad it doesn’t work on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, or Windows 2000. I guess that means I won’t be upgrading to windows vista.
It’s been a rather long weekend. Quite a number of computer problems cropped up.
The first was an ongoing problem with MythTV. I’ve been using it for 3-4 months now and it seems to work well… Except the system seems to be rather glitchy and the TV card would crash every 12 to 72 hours requiring a reboot. Since my mythtv box was also my secondary desktop and irc system it rather hurt my IdleRPG scores.
Sony and Microsoft both tout their systems as the best add-on to the Wii
It looks like it may be Nintendo dominating the consoles this generation. Some have predicted this before actually. Their reasoning seemed to be that the WiiRev would be the lowest priced of all the consoles and would fill in the same niche as the Gamecube does now. Most people who have a gamecube also have one of the other consoles, but usually not both.
It’s about the games, and what you can do about it, silly. People are going ‘ohh sony is soooo doomed’ about them charging $600 for the full version of their console that can do everything. Interesting. Now how much have they invested on gaming themselves?
I have 2 PS2 systems. One of them has a Linux kit on it. Between those two I have $800 invested in the PS2, in the consoles alone.