Kazriko's Dive
Media sure does toss these words around a lot. The media says google “pilfered” dataI agree with the stuff on the bottom though. Likely, the server was either misconfigured, or used http based authentication and someone stuck a link on their website with the username and password located in it. They really should have used a robots.txt file.
Venture Brothers Season 2 starts tomorrow…Watch it! Although it may not make sense unless you watched season 1…
Creative Labs has officially lost my sound card business. I know I’ve griped about them before in various contexts but my latest experiences with the two sound cards still in my systems have made me want to completely eliminate them. (I also have an Extigy card that was hooked to my wife’s computer, but it’s no longer in use.)I have an Audigy card in my Linux box and I previously had a Live card in my Windows PC.
A judge says that the PS2 is not a computerHmm. So, a box that runs linux, has a keyboard and a mouse, can support a hard drive, and can display out to a monitor, can run word processors, etc is not a computer.I can see you making this claim for the slimline PS2’s because they don’t support the hard drive and the linux kit, but the PS2 Original form factor is definitely a computer.
Darwin Award Winner punches a window trying to break into a house of someone who has a restraining order against him.
We can only hope more burglars do the same.
Psychonauts doesn’t work on the Xbox360 (Link Dead)I would like to point out, however, that Psychonauts works just fine on the PS2 and will likely work perfectly on the PS3. Just sayin’…Did I mention that the PS2 outsold the Xbox360 last month? Well, you should be able to find one then. There’s at least 3x as many PS2’s (100mil) as there are Xboxes (24mil) and Xbox360’s (5mil) combined…
One of the more useful functions for busy peoples in MythTV is TimeStretch. There are certain shows that I like to watch at higher speed (with the pitch shifted to compensate.) Mostly they’re shows with low entertainment value for the time. Some of the stuff on the Discovery channel is like this. It’s informative but not really entertaining. Usually I can watch these at 1.5x and still absorb all of the information in 2/3rds of the time.
anti-bandwidth-neutrality (Link not really the same anymore) cartoon I found advertised on Schlock Mercenary today. It seems to offer much the same view I came up with (independently) several weeks ago and clarifies stuff I didn’t even touch on. Like the separate queues for Low-latency loss-tolerant connections (streaming video, phone, etc) and for high reliability low latency (medical communications.) I believe it would also allow queues for latency tolerant high-bandwidth loss-sensitive connections like downloads.
MS has really been on the warpath against the PS3, both in public and from the shadows. The latest has been this particular bit of FUD that restates many of the same things that MS has been saying all along and Sony has been disputing all along. Sony isn’t entirely innocent of firing back though. The PSM magazine had this bit of FUD in it as well: ….particularly when it comes to ease of development for the system: how it compares to PS2, and more importantly, Xbox 360.
Greenhouse studyThe interesting parts are below:Well, I heard that carbon dioxide is bad – it’s pollution, isn’t it?There seem to be a few things that your informant forgot to tell you – like carbon dioxide being an essential trace gas that underpins the bulk of the global food web. Estimates vary, but somewhere around 15% seems to be the common number cited for the increase in global food crop yields due to aerial fertilization with increased carbon dioxide since 1950.