
Kazriko's Dive

Cell chips for computing applications

Cell Processor Boards for Xeon and Opteron systems.(Link Dead)Looks like these guys are gobbling up a portion of the 8 working SPE output. The board also has 1gb of XDR and 4gb of DDR memory. (Link dead)Other docs from mercury, including some benchmarks about FFT performance and the like.

Grandia 3

Finished Grandia 3. It’s definitely better than the various reviews claim. It’s combat system is much better than Grandia 2 was. It clocks in at just about 45 hours. I’m not sure how you could finish it off much faster even with the various reviews giving 30-35 hour times to it. Now? I guess I’ll finish FF4. Maybe I can try and finish Dark Cloud 2…

Final Fantasy 3

FF3 for the DS was delayed… all the way back to November.That sucks primarily because of all the other things being released near november. FF12, for example. The PS3 as yet another potential example. I don’t think I’ll have the cash for everything…Plus, it leaves a gaping hole in new games until the end of october. I guess I could get Disgaea 2 near the end of next month, or pick up Atelier Iris 2.

Free trade?

One of the best arguments I’ve heard about free trade yet, and it’s not even really about free trade. It’s about civilization.Every time two people come together and trade, wealth is created. Out of thin air. By magic. Every trade, every bit or work done by every human on the planet increases the complexity and order of the whole, and thus makes it more valuable. This is a rich subject, one we will return to in a following chapter.

Ruri's next upgrade

250gig HD $82ATI Chipset MB $57Hauppauge MCE 150 PVR $601GB Ram $913800+x2 AMD64 $169Crappy vid card with TV out $47Total with shipping: $521Ruri’s current board would go into a new set-top box for the TV. :)That project?Antec Overture Case $105Maybe I could switch it around and use the Antec Aria cube as the set-top box instead?*sigh* still out of reach for a few months.

no title

Ignorant reporters

I’m beginning to think that 80% of the world’s problems are caused by reporters who don’t even really know what they’re talking about. Take this flawed article with a flawed headline. "Works flawlessly 20% of the time?“ That’s almost certain to be misunderstood. Perhaps they should have said that 20% of PS3 cell processors produced will have no silicon defects. That would be a far more accurate. If he had read more of his source article he would have seen that one of the benefits of the Cell chip is that over 2/3rds of its surface area are redundant.

The FUD train comes around again, right on schedule.

In case someone missed it the first 3 times that this story ran someone has dredged it up yet again. Man, do reporters just have the universe’s shortest memories or are they getting paid off to reintroduce this story every couple months?(For those of you who didn’t live through the MS vs OS/2-Amiga-Atari-etc wars the last time Microsoft did this, FUD stands for “Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt” and is used to torpedo opponents products by making people worried about if the investment is worth it through lies in the press and whispering campaigns…)Update: I thought more about other articles that are “abuzz” on the internet regarding the PS3 over the last couple weeks.

Why they need to offer these games for download

Instead of having you copy them off the original cd:My breath of fire 3 apparently has enough damage that a certain area of the disc is unreadable. The catch? This data happens to be in the last area of the game, and is required to finish it. I just hit 62.5 hours of playtime. Ugh.Options? Get the disc resurfaced for $6-10. Gamble that one of the $20 “good” copies on half.

Cola moron

A moron stole the recipe for coke.But instead of doing the smart thing, he tried to sell it to pepsi. Pepsi has its own distinctive taste that if they changed would cause their fans to go elsewhere. What he should have done is gone to some of the smaller cola manufacturers and tried to sell it to them. Most of them, like Big K, Safeway, Shasta, etc don’t really have as much of a fanbase and making it taste like coke would be an improvement to almost everyone.