Kazriko's Dive
Yet another group of analysts has thrown their prediction out. they think PS3 will come out ahead narrowly. (Link dead) I don’t care if they’re supporting the first system I’m buying, I’m really sick of all these ivory-tower analysts and their crystal ball predictions. First one will say the Xbox360 will come out ahead, then the next one will say the Wii, then another will say the PS3. Then an analyst will say the Xbox will cost $600 billion to make, another will go on to say the PS3 will cost $900 billion to make.
Seems to be big news again, with even someone on my watch list here on the LJ reporting a recent development of it to slashdot. The wiretapping of international calls with one end being a known terrorist has caused much debate, and is arguably one of the few things that we can use as an early warning to thwart an impending attack. At the same time, the way it is being done is completely wrong, while the way that the opposite side wants it to be done is utterly wrong as well.
Digitimes is saying that an external hddvd player is a better idea than an internal bluray player.There’s a major problem with this logic though. Add-on hardware for consoles almost never does well. The 32 bit expansion for the genesis? Big flop. Jaguar CD? Even bigger flop than the jaguar itself. SegaCD? Huge flop. Part of the problem lies in it being a catch 22. Typically the games that use the expansion aren’t excessively improved over the ones that use the normal console capabilities for the first generation.
Without any comment on prior attempts to do this, journalists tout how MS is letting *gasp* home users *gasp* write GAMES *gasp* for a CONSOLE!Never mind that Sony has done this twice before…Back in 98ish they released the “Net Yarose” kit for $750 to home users that included special PS1 hardware as well as software to write games for the PS1.In 2002, they released the “PS2 Linux Kit” kit for $300 to home users which not only had a complete operating system, but also had all but 1 of the developer manuals they send to official PS2 developers as well as the hardware needed to develop games for the PS2.
I never thought I’d see a pakistani news source phrase things like that. And calling the left fringe "Taliban Democrats" (Link dead)? Fascinating. They even point out anti-jewish comments by the Daily Kos. That’s just… weird.
I currently see 3 varieties of gaming site and articles. The fair, the clueless, and the biased. The most recent example. PS3 has had backward compatibility on its spec sheet for ages. There has never been a card slot for the old style cards on any mockup of the PS3 released thus far. Many people speculated that like the Xbox360, you would not be able to transfer save files from the older systems.
One of the few colas that I’ve ever enjoyed other than Cocacola itself was surge. I was a bit crushed when they took it off the market because after drinking it, Mountain Dew tasted so bland that it was undrinkable. I went pretty much directly to cocacola and never went back to mt. dew afterward. I had a random thought today looking at a box of Vault cola. What cola could Cocacola bring back from the past that looked kind of like vault?
I’m beginning to think games journalists are just dumb-dumb-dummies these days. Nobody can ever seem to quite understand what sony’s saying when they say that a console has a 10 year shelf life.They talk about the PS4 here and perpetuate the whole “PS4 in 2016” line.That’s NOT what sony means when they say their consoles have a 10 year shelf life. Look at their history.PS1, released in 1994 at around $300-400.
A couple well known game companies are holding off on PS3 games for at least a few months. How good are these companies really, though? SNK and Atari are both former console manufacturers themselves. Really though, they haven’t done much recently that would be the least worry to most people. SNK’s best game, Crystalis, is nearly 17 years old now. Since then they have primarily put out 2d fighter game after 2d fighter game.
Texas, I switched planes there and had lunch at BurgerKing while waiting for the plane to arrive…Kansas I vaguely remember, but I can’t remember if we actually went INTO kansas or just took our picture at the “now entering kansas” sign.New Mexico, I drove through there 3 times. Two of the times we went to 4 corners thing. The third time they had turned it into a tourist trap and were charging $20 per car to go in.