Kazriko's Dive
I’ve been watching Mr. Robot’s development for several months now. It’s one of those interesting indie games that are sometimes hard to find. They’re nearing the end of their dev cycle now, so they’ve started on some interviews. Pretty cool stuff, there.
Item #8Sony has now confirmed that you can swap the hard drive out on the 20gb model. I’d heard about this over a year ago, but I hadn’t heard anyone say it recently.
I’m beginning to think the Democrat party will keep the Colorado house and gain the governorship through utterly dishonest means. They’re taking a very pro-consumer pro-taxpayer measure that the republicans either voted for or supported, and telling only half the story to make it sound utterly anti-taxpayer and anti-consumer. I suspect the only branch of the republicans I still like, the fiscal conservatives, are going to lose most of their seats due to these lies by selective reporting.
Radical Muslims try to patent cube-shaped structures saying that nobody else can build one or they’ll be offended. Of course, you can’t build it to be shaped like a pig either. If it looks like something they love or something they hate, you can’t build it without offending them.It makes me rather depressed about the future of the middle east. It’s like their entire religion is the exact antithesis of free expression and the entire foundation of our society.
I’ve recently started using GPG for transmitting some of my messages. The downside to it is, I can’t send messages from the Gmail web interface, nor decrypt them from there. The obvious solution that others have found is to enable POP3 and use Thunderbird. I have this setup on my U3 drive, but it’s a very imperfect solution. POP3 holds a special place amongst most braindead protocols ever to hit the face of the internet.
Bill Gates says bluray is anti-consumer. I guess we should listen to him, after all, he’s the expert on being anti-consumer. Lets just see how much we’d need to modify his statements to make it work.Gates: Well, the key issue here is that the activation protection scheme under Blu-rayWindows XP is very anti-consumer and there’s not much visibility of that. The inconvenience is that the [movie] studiosMicrosoft got too much protection at the expense consumers [sic] and it won’t work well on PCs.
I have the PS3 preordered now. I was #5 in line at Gamestop despite showing up only 2.1 hours before they opened. By the end, they had 12 people in line. 2 people had been there since yesterday and one showed up at 4:00 this morning.I was the second one to choose the low-end model. Hopefully they’ll have enough. They said they had 12 allocated to them, so if 20% are the low end, that’s just enough for me to get one.
If you’re a journalist in australia or the analyst that he’s quoting, then maybe not. Sony to lose 560mil?I’m not sure about laptop battery costs, but for the second of the analyst’s claims…In addition, a decision to slash the price of the PlayStation 3 in Sony’s strong home market will cost a total of US$220 million, the analyst predicts.Hmm, Lets start with the amount of the price cut. There were 100,000 PS3’s destined for Japan on launch day.
This blog here claims that both formats will lose. (Dead link)That would mean an odd type of failure for the formats. People would have the ability to play the new, special discs, but perhaps no desire to go through the trouble.…“Right now, particularly with regards to content, it isn’t where it needs to be, to be compelling,” he said. In some cases, he pointed out, you can get better image quality just by using a standard DVD player with an upscaler.
I know I’ve professed how much I like my senator, Wayne Allard, before in this blog. I found another reason to like him though. He scored a 98% on the “club for growth” index of fiscal responsibility. My other senator only scored a miserable 3%. My other senator’s brother, who happens to be my congressional rep, scored an also miserable 15%. He also scored 0 out of 19 on anti-pork legislation.