Kazriko's Dive
Mooninite sign found by an ebayer (Link Dead) who promptly decided to sell it for massive profits. $1000 already, the lucky dog…I wonder how many other people have found these signs and hidden them away… Interesting novelty, to say the least.
For quite awhile, I’ve been using anime and game characters for most of my systems. Precis from Star Ocean 2, Ein from Cowboy Bebop, Ruri from Nadesico, Lain from Serial Experiments Lain, Bebedora from Arc the Lad 4. My game systems usually have Final Fantasy related names. Rikku the PS2, Penelo the PS3…When thinking about Bebedora and the reasons for naming it that, I came up with a new naming scheme.
The Very Quick Play-Count MemeHoward posted this, so I figured it was of high enough quality for my dreky lj here.For this little three-question game you’ll need some sort of play-count record on your mp3 library. No guessing!1) What’s the most-played track in your mp3 collection, and how many times has it been played?Interpol - PDA: 152) Divide that play count in half and round up. What’s the nearest song?There are 15 songs on my list that have 8 plays.
Someone did a pseudoscience test of noise levels of various consoles. The problem is, they have several tiny biases in the results.Here’s the guide (Link Dead)I found it through engadget, but I doubt most of the people who read the engadget story went in to look at the pictures and realize the biases present in the way it was measured.First one… Look at the laptop cooler that the Xbox360 is sitting on.
This gamepro magazine here repeats what I consider to be a completely useless sales metric…http://www.gamepro.com/news.cfm?article_id=93388 (Link Dead)The PS2 is outselling the Xbox360. It’s useless, because it is comparing a previous generation, now casual game system to a modern game system for more hardcore gamers. It’s also comparing a system that costs nearly half what the other one costs. Of course the casual, 3rd-gen game system which costs $129 will sell more units than a 1st to early 2nd generation game system that costs $299-399.
They’ve finally revived the Sam and Max franchise, in episodic form. One of the people in the gametap company has done an article in Gamasutra about episodic content. It’s been a long time and I’m sure all the Sam and Max fans are happy with the revival of their favorite series.http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20070103/sanchez_01.shtmlTo me, one of the most interesting parts was at the end.For two years we have been listening to Nintendo talk about broadening the games market.
Well, the PS3 is a big hit with my brother, who has come over 4 times already to play multi-player games with me. He never did this when I had the PS1/2… Not once.We played all the way through Resistance in Co-op mode, and then went half-way through again. Also went through some chapters in Untold Legends.I tried to rope him into a death-match of Ratchet and Clank 3… He says the graphics suck too much… I suppose I shouldn’t bother getting a Wii then if I want to use it multi-player.
The Tales of * series has had many releases over the years. Tales of Phantasia for the SNES and GBA was the first in the series, and there’s been several releases for the Gamecube, PS1, PS2, and other systems. I’m done with the series. I just hate the combat system they use. I first tried Tales of Symphonia for the Gamecube, and most recently Tales of Phantasia for the GBA. I’m almost to this point with the Star Ocean series as well.
Pennies now cost 1.73 cents to make and the government is getting so panicked about people melting them down for their raw materials that they’re issuing laws against it.Like the companies who release printers at a loss to make money on their printer cartridges, the government needs to stop using a business model where they are forced to circumvent freedom in order to make it work. It’s bad when the government allows the printer manufacturers to use copyright law against its consumers this way, its atrocious when the government themselves pass laws to do this.
This article has a quote (Dead link) from some gulf cooperation council member about how the US not calling for sanctions on israel, while calling for sanctions on Iraq, North Korea, and Iran was a double standard. He’s at least somewhat mistaken about this…Israel is one of 3 countries that I know of that did not sign the non-proliferation treaty. The other two both have nuclear weapons, India and Pakistan. It would be a double-standard to hold Israel to a standard that we’re not holding the other two non-signers to.