
Kazriko's Dive


Eve Online has teamed up with Cedega to provide Linux and OSX support for their game. For those that don’t know, Cedega is a variant of WINE that you have to subscribe to for $5 per month. In exchange, you get the program and updates for future games support.You also get to vote on what games will be supported next. This creates a catch-22 that is the crux of my problem.

Poor, poor OpenMoko

http://www.engadget.com/2007/11/05/live-coverage-of-googles-android-gphone-mobile-os-announcement/It looks like Google has swooped in and stole their thunder a bit, along with getting support from a carrier and several phone component manufacturers, all while OpenMoko has the hardware, but not the software to compete.

Apple, bleh.

http://www.engadget.com/2007/10/27/apple-refusing-to-accept-cash-for-iphone-limits-em-to-two-per/I’m a bit tired of all the nonsense surrounding the Iphone. They’re being horribly restrictive and anti-consumer with the thing. My views on the product can be done by clipping a bit out of the article, and taking it out of context.More specifically, spokeswoman Natalie Kerris stated that the company is “requiring a credit or debit card for payment to discourage unauthorized resellers,” so don’t even bother […] lookin’ to grab an iPhone from Apple.

Democrats take credit for baseball wins...

Is there anything positive they won’t take credit for?http://www.denverpost.com/rockies/ci_7193956That might be the Republican’s problems back in the day though. It’s hard to take credit for getting the heck out of the way and letting the system work without your interference. Modern republicans get in the way as much as democrats do though. ;)To be honest though, it’s largely demographic. Baseball teams are put places because they have large population centers. Large population centers overwhelmingly go democrat.

Common sense dead in the UK too.

With all the nonsense RIAA has pulled, you might think that Common Sense is dead when it comes to copyright laws in America.Well, it’s not just here that has nonsensical laws with regard to copyrights. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/edinburgh_and_east/7029892.stmFrankly though, given the likely choice of music of people working at a shop like this, I don’t consider it any sort of competitive advantage for them to be playing the music. It probably drives customers away.

Nuanced political views under-represented in decision polls

I’ve been tossed at two of these “Make your mind up on the candidates” polls recently. I’ve found them both rather lacking. The most recent is USA Today’s thingie. http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/candidate-match-game.htmThe shortcomings of this one are many. Such as the fact that you can only select one answer. It starts on Question 1 for me. This is a question about history, but some of the answers apply to future choices. None of the answers match my views.

Disgaea, again!

If you’re someone who wants to play Disgaea, and didn’t heed my last message on the subject, They’ve remade Disgaea for PSP, with added features like playing a “what if Etna accidentally killed Laharl instead of waking him up”Here’s the preorder site for this incarnation. (Link Dead)

High speed viewing

I don’t have time to watch or listen to much stuff anymore. On MythTV and on my PS3 I use a technique that speeds up the content, while adjusting the sound pitch to keep it from sounding chipmunky. I was recently watching an episode of mythbusters at 150%, and accidentally kicked it back to normal speed. It seemed like everything was going in slow motion. I boosted it up to 200% and was still able to keep up.

Surface Math

http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2007/sep/06/playstation.nintendoWhy do I get the feeling that this guy has never taken calculus or applied it in a physics context? It seems he just went on an appeal to those who never learned math past the surface.Ignoring the fact that the target audience is completely different for the moment, if you look at what he’s talking about, the acceleration of sales is higher for PS3 than Wii even though the velocity of sales for the PS3 is currently lower.

Moratorium on internet taxes expiring

In November of this month it the limitation on internet taxes expires…It looks like they’re trying to renew it though.Seems pretty simple and straight forward. I’d have to look at the original act that its amending though. Several groups are already trying to convince congress to pass it, like freedom works (Link Dead)A BILLTo make the moratorium on Internet access taxes and multiple and discriminatory taxes on electronic commerce permanent.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,SECTION 1.