Kazriko's Dive
This is one of the bigger annoyances with the web in general. Every once in awhile I set myself up on a light-on-dark color scheme, similar to my IRC colorset. This frequently exposes some bad design decisions with some webpages out there. Even some of the big players. Take for instance, Livejournal. This screen I’m typing on is properly light on dark, but I had to set my “light” to be about a 70% instead of my normal 100% white.
I love my logitech parts. This keyboard’s keys are darn near worn off of it, and it still works. 2 weeks ago I picked up another mouse because I thought my old logitech beast was giving up the ghost as the wheel stopped working. The mouse has the entire palm area’s paint worn off, along with a nice worn spot next to the wheel on the button. (I spin the wheel with the edge of my finger, so I seem to be wearing that little spot off the button itself…) The rubber pad on the right side has completely worn off, and the left side is well on its way to losing that pad.
(Link Dead)19% of conservatives will vote third party this year most likely. 10% will stay home. This is the perfect time for a third party to show that they’re serious. If a third party candidate pulls in enough votes that they would have changed the election if they voted for McCain, then it will do one of two things. A. it’ll encourage the republicans to swing back to their roots away from this big socialist government kick they’ve been on to get those votes back.
http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/jan2008/gb20080128_783831.htm?chan=globalbiz_europe+index+page_top+storiesAnd motorola which uses their phone tech might need to find another supplier for linux software. I wasn’t aware they were selling any linux based phones though? on further research, it looks like they’ve had linux smartphones for at least 3 years.Maybe they should go have a nice chat with OpenMoko. Perhaps the can speed the process up.
I think this stimulus package breaks one of my essential rules on how to make a market economy work. You can’t have any situation anywhere that would make it so you would lose money by earning one additional dollar.In this case, if you earn 74999 a year, you get a bonus check from the government. This apparently can be up to 1200 or 1500?But if you earn 75000 a year, one dollar more, you get 0.
Brian Sack’s greatest prank ever (Link Dead)Hopefully it doesn’t get so popular that it spoils it for the recipient. :p
The first time since I first started giving a separate email address to every company I give out my email address to, I’ve had a company sell my address. www.pcworld.com. It’s not technically a sale though, it’s the parent company spamming me according to their email. IDGConnect.com… In any case, the next thing to try is to use their remove link, and see if they then send even more spam to it.
(Link Dead)
Two thoughts on this. 1. Someone saw someone weaker being attacked by ruffians on the subway and helped defend them. Regardless of what religion they’re in, we need more people like that in the country. Good people should be encouraged to come here, regardless of where they come from. (As long as they are willing to live in our system of freedom and not oppress the freedoms of others.
Stupid wired story (Link Dead)First, the link I clicked on to get to the story was “Wired: US can’t get it’s Greenhouse Act Together.” This kind of irritated me, so I wanted to see what kind of misleading garbage it was. The most absurd part is that it’s not the US, but the rest of the world that can’t get its act together. Most of them signed the Kyoto treaty, and can’t meet its goals.