Kazriko's Dive
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2008/09/the_libertarian_case_for_palin.htmlI’m not entirely convinced, but I can tell you that all of the attacks the mainstream media has been throwing out makes me think that they genuinely fear her. I’d love to see someone with Western sensibility back in the white house.I still think it’s absolutely frightening that of the 2 main parties, Palin is the only candidate for national executive office with any experience operating a large organization as the executive.
I mentioned how I was still using the same old Logitech mouse that I bought years ago back in February. This mouse gets between 1 and 2 months of battery life per set. It works great, but I recently heard about a new series of mice from logitech. Laser mice such as the MX600, which claim battery lives in the 6 month range. Not only that but it has far more buttons than the older one.
I have quite a bit I want to write about, none of them for very long though.Disgaea 1:I’ve managed to finish off Disgaea 1. Excellent game. I’m really short on time though, Disgaea 3 comes out on the 26th and I want to play far enough into Disgaea 2 to get a feel for its combat system before I move on to 3. Already 2 seems like they’ve fixed some of the balance issues with the Cleric/healing classes and made the Bonus Gauge easier to fill without clearing the geopanel puzzles.
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/07/28/fcc_comcast_landmark/Given my past criticism of Net Neutrality fanatics, there should be little doubt where I stand on this. This is an honest to goodness failure of the model that the net neutrality people held up as THE STANDARD for how to run an internet, handling all packet intelligence at the endpoints and having the middle be a big, dumb pipe. Bittorrent though cheats by flooding the net with connection requests drowning out other traffic.
http://www.psxextreme.com/ps3-news/3216.html#Much has been made of the announcements recently of 4 Xbox360 RPG games. 3 Square and 1 Namco. People have been questioning the logic of this given that the 360 does poorly in japan and japan is the major market for RPG games. If you look at the groups in square and the titles being made it’s obvious why they’re doing it this way.Star Ocean 4: Tri-Ace, Action RPGStar Ocean 2 and 3 were both action RPGs as well.
http://blog.wired.com/cars/2008/06/re-regulate-com.htmlWired is arguing that the airlines should be reregulated because the airlines are losing so much money. I think they’re absofreakinglutely insane. It seems like they think there are two states to capitalist systems. Regulated and unregulated. Really, there’s a huge grayscale between the two and airlines even with deregulation are still more on the regulated side than unregulated. The FAA, the Air Traffic Control, the TSA… All are regulatory nightmares created by a meddling government.
I must have been taxing my poor windows box too much this week with all that Eve Online playing. It’s gone and croaked itself. tried narrowing down the possibilities and determined that it is most likely the motherboard. Yanked my hard drives out and stuck them in alternate linux boxes.In the meantime, I managed to get Eve Online working pretty well on my linux system, moved the sound over, moved the windows box monitor over, etc.
FF7 Crisis Core is a great looking game. It’s also definitely only for preexisting FF7 fans as the primary reason to play it is to fill in the storyline. The combat isn’t quite as button mashy as I had been lead to believe, but it’s conceivable that you could get through it by just pressing one button repeatedly. Though you might have to put various cure spells on the next bar over and slip over and cast them periodically.
Back when I was still in high school, I lusted after a particular subnotebook computer that had just come onto the market. It had a 486BL2-50 processor, a 7.7 inch screen at 640x480, 200 Megabyte hard drive, and 4 megs of ram. $1800. It was a mere 10.1"x7.2"x1.7" and only 4 pounds back in 1994. Needless to say, I never managed to buy that system, but as a graduation present my parents bought me a $800 Thinkpad 755CE.
I heard recently that Jolie has obtained the movie rights for Atlas Shrugged. The immediate question was one of “can one of those Hollywood types NOT butcher the whole idea of the book." I was rather pessimistic about it. I’ve encountered another thing that says that it might be less an assured trainwreck, and more of a probable trainwreck. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/02/27/AR2008022702217_pf.htmlMost Hollywood types will rail on the US for not doing something about Darfur, but will then turn around and rail against the US for being in Iraq, never mind that if we bailed on Iraq it would make Darfur look like a family picnic.