
Kazriko's Dive


I mentioned earlier that I had moved off Bresnan.They apologized however, so I’m back on their internet service. I still have the DSL as a backup. Currently, I’m manually setting up the routes so that I have two routers (my linux box as the DSL router, and my linksys as the cable router) both with default routes and different level metrics so that it picks the faster line as long as it is up.

I want more weekend. :(

Not counting friday night, weekends have about 48 hours in them. You might have to sleep a bit, but that still leaves 32 hours.That’s enough to get most of an RPG done if you work at it.Why is it then that I only ended up playing about 5-6 hours of Mario & Luigi, Partners in Time? I should have been able to get it nearly done?I wonder what keeps sucking down 26 hours worth of time every weekend?

Tracing viral marketing

I’m not sure if it’s really meant to be viral, but signs have been popping up all over Grand Junction that state simply “Where’s Wilbur?”After seeing them on about 5 major roads through town, I figured I’d do some digging.The first search turned up exactly what the people of the campaign wants people to see when they see the signs.http://www.whereswilbur.net/ (Link Dead)It has a picture of their signs along with some campaign signs, a couple blurry pictures with a guy in a pig costume, and 3 youtube videos showing people theoretically doing something else, until they see a blurry pig costumed person.


So, I guess Obama is president next year eh? Sorry about the delay, was going to write this 2 weeks ago but just haven’t had the time.I suppose that was to be expected after in spite of other better candidates McCain managed to win the republican nomination. Of course, I still think he won primarily because he had the blessing of the media for the primary campaign. Congratulations Obama. I should have gotten to this sooner, but he won as fair and square as you can get in an election with the modern news media involved.

No longer using Bresnan internet

This post is no longer valid, retained for history.Bresnan cable… They have a good internet service but their customer service leaves a lot to be desired. I’ve been a loyal subscriber to the local cable internet service since it was AT&T@HOME, years ago. I’ve been through several transitions, to AT&TBI, to Comcast, and then to Bresnan. I recently moved across town and I brought my cable box and my cable modem with me.

Scary stuff

Scary stuff… Hopefully we never get as bad as the below here in the US.Socialism means equality of income or nothing… under socialism you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you like it or not. If it were discovered that you had not character enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to live you would have to live well.

Internet censorship...

For those who think that chinese style totalitarian internet censorship couldn’t possibly happen in a free, democratic country…AustraliaJust wait, if Obama gets in, we’ll surely have the same thing happen here with the internet Fairness doctrine, banning any site that doesn’t offer a “balanced” view in some nebulous bureau’s opinion. There will be no stopping it either if the Dems have a 60 seat majority in the senate.Police state, here we come.

kids up in political gear

Friends don’t let friends dress their kids up in political gear…


It seems that LJ is getting infected in some way by robots. I’ve had two accounts just randomly add me out of the blue, both with no entries and with the exact same template, and nearly nobody friending them back. Quite odd… One of them has already dropped me from their list.

Caught up

Finally caught up with my back reading on LJ. Well, technically I’m not completely caught up, but I’ve caught up on everything that the friends page still allows me to read. I never knew that entries would fall off the edge like that…Anyway, I just went from renting to home owning in the span of 2 weeks (from starting the search to moving in completely.) I’m exhausted… Not to mention I did it while still going to work.