Kazriko's Dive
I normally don’t post about individual DVD series I watch until I can aggregate a bunch of them into one post, but this isn’t a normal series. I’m a David Weber fan, and enjoy the sort of political intrigue combined with the slow paced combat that his books provide. Starship Operators is probably the first TV show I’ve seen that really captures the essence of this sort of space combat and political intrigue all at once.
I didn’t get to as many as I wanted to in the last 2 months. With all the trips and constant working, it’s been hard to get any time in at all. If it wasn’t for the mobipocket on my phone I probably wouldn’t get any reading in.#12, Baen’s Universe series 1 issue 5. Stranger in Paradise was interesting. Slow boat colonization followed up by rediscovering all the old colonies. Marklord Pete has a wierd dystopian future where trademarks and intellectual property have run wild.
For ages now I’ve been operating my entire network presence off a single server, Precis.arkaic.com. This worked out pretty well as the antiquated 2.4ghz celeron was solid and hardly ever needed attention. Unfortunately my company was purchased and I needed a new home for my web/irc/etc hosting.I had some parts laying about that I was going to upgrade Precis with, so I took the oppourtunity to buy the last few remaining bits and assemble them.
I finished reading through this whole comic this weekend. Very interesting. I do have a couple of comments though.Miracle of ScienceThey said that there is no crime on Mars in it. Would your spleen steal your wallet? But there are examples of cells in the body going rogue and doing damage to those around it. It’s less a matter of stealing your wallet than stealing blood supplies and nutrients that other parts of the body would need, or damaging other parts of the body.
I’ve been tilting at a couple more windmills this month. The big one is IPv6. I’ve gotten my home network back up, this time through a Hurricane Electric tunnel. I’ve poked the new IT company that my new megacorp parent company hired to do our IT and prodded them about planning our IPv6 transition again. I’ve also mentioned yet again to another person from my home internet provider that it would be really nice to have IPv6 natively.
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/06/05/hulu_may_adopt_subscription_service/I agree, news corp. But let me be the first to point out that you already sell your services by a subscription based service. Show us a little honesty here and start pulling all your ads off our subscription service (Cable, Satellite…) and then we might consider paying yet another subscription for your content. ;)
http://www.slugsite.com/archives/1126Huhwhat? Banning electromagnetic weaponry from hunting purposes? What kind of backward state is this “Wisconsin” place…
The UK playstation site has this nice little badge to stick on websites…I wonder if they’ll ever get that on the US site…
Given that every darn CD out seems to be wound all the way to the top on the loudness meter, it’s both surprising and annoying when I find ones that aren’t. When I try to play them on shuffle, I have to turn the volume up, then back down again at the end for the next song, at least on Amarok. I have an automatic adjuster on Winamp at work…In any case, the most recent one is Veruca Salt’s cd IV.
Not just for books anymore! I just looked back at my journal and found it’s been 3 months since I posted anything about books and such… So here goes.#5 Witches of Karres. Very amusing mix of magic and science fiction. Witches with a magic spacedrive basically force a guy to rescue them from slavery, then make him into a fugitive. Ultimately they travel all over the galaxy and end up fighting a race of transdimensional worms… This is the sort of thing Schmitz is known for, though even more magicy than his Telzey Amberdon series.