
Kazriko's Dive


http://arstechnica.com/gaming/reviews/2009/10/psp-go-review-sony-is-charging-you-much-more-for-much-less.arsA fairly fair and balanced review of the PSP go. They’re whining about the UMD disc going missing though. The one constant in the last 4 years or so has been all of the people whining about how bad the UMD drive is. Constant, annoying whining about how much they hate the UMD drive and how UMD is a dead format, and so on and so forth. And now they’re whining about the opposite.

Coin-sized nuclear isotope batteries

http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/10/08/nuclear_coin_battery/I can’t wait for them to be commercialized. Now lets see if the PTB and other pointy haired politicians permit these to come to market…

Multimedia Completion

September edition… Not very full because I’ve been utterly hammered at work this month. In fact, all but 3 of the items on the list are from the first week of the month…And I just heard the news about Baen’s Universe ending. I feel really bad now for canceling when I stopped having time to keep up with them. :( I’ll definitely buy the back issues for the magazine though…Books: #21: Igniting the Reaches.

PSP go

The PSP Go comes out soon, and Sony has released a mountain of new downloadable content for the system. I myself have a mountain of purchased UMD content for it, so I figured I would look into how much it would cost me to upgrade to that system, and how many games are getting left out.Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light. $4.99Brave Story: New Traveler. $14.99Castlevania The Dracula X Chronicles. Not available.


http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/09/28/motorised_crate/They confiscated someone’s home built transportation because they have excessively restrictive laws towards what people can drive. Is there any wonder that corporations are getting so huge? There’s no way for smaller things to break through and start out if the regulations are so onerous and odious that only the large corporations can afford to follow them all. Who knows? That experiment could be the first step someone made to founding a new car company a decade or two down the road, but the legal establishment has cut it down at its very root.

Naive solar enthusiasts.

http://www.engadget.com/2009/09/18/ja-solar-and-innovalight-team-up-to-commercialize-silicon-ink/In the comments, one person comments that he can’t wait to see when the printable solar cell technology can be used for cars.He really doesn’t understand the energy involved in cars. At work we have 80-watt panels that are just huge. I think you could probably squeeze 8-10 of them on my car, for a total of about 800 watts power generation on a good, sunny day. Assuming that they are 9% efficient and the new solar cells are 18% efficient, that gives you 1.

Muse website, and right wing libertarians

I was searching the website about a band called Muse and what their political persuasions were. An interesting task given that they are foreign and US and European political terms don’t exactly match up. Their recent songs though seem very libertarian to me. On their forum, they used the term Liberal which is generally the european way of saying Libertarian, and to them is tied closely to anarchists. One of the posters on their forum though expressed disbelief at the american concept of Right wing Libertarians.

Templar AZ

Reading a new comic called Templar, Arizona. It’s mildly political, but in a way that keeps me guessing about what the author’s own views are. But one thing in particular made me think.One of the characters espouses the idea that all prisons should be Vegan. I have no problem with people who themselves want to be vegan as long as they’re not trying to use the government to force me to do the same, but in this case I don’t have such a clearcut view on it.

Multimedia Completion

Darth Paradox just posted another, so I figured I’d post my own update even though it’s not the end of the month yet. #17: Baens Universe: Volume 2 Issue 1. Big Guy: Story about giving a thirsty man water, and him gorging on it, or rather, an emotion starved android emotions. Running Water: Fun little adventure tale about a world where the coastal towns in california will do anything for water, and the future tech submarines they use to get it.

Dragon Quest 4

I’ve finished Dragon Quest 4! That means I’m officially half-way done with playing all of the mainline Dragon Quest games… at least until DQ9 comes out in the US. 36 hours and 19 minutes to complete. There’s still more bonus content, but I haven’t done that content on any of the DQ games yet… I really should get around to it at least on 4 and 8…36 hours is definitely short for a DQ game.