
Kazriko's Dive

Google to make news that adapts to the user..

This is from the drudge report, has no permanent links though, so I’ll just copy the whole text. GOOGLE FRANKENSTEIN: MACHINES TO CHOOSE YOUR NEWSMon Apr 12 2010 08:15:34 ETGOOGLE CEO and Obama political activist Eric Schmidt declared this weekend that his machines will help decide what news you receive! News sites should use technology to PREDICT what a user wants to read by what they have already read, Schmidt told the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEWS EDITORS, where a few humans still remained in the audience.

Microsoft... Good and bad?

http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/04/01/microsoft_open_source_gm/Microsoft is trying to clean their image up when it comes to open source…http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2010/04/microsoft-offers-much-needed-fix-for-windows-oss-development.arsThey’re even making their own APT/DPKG sort of package management thing for windows to permit real distributions of Gnu and other open source software to be easily installed on windows. A development I welcome…http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/04/06/microsoft_ooxml_standards_fail/However, they’re still fighting a few turf wars over their Word and other Office application dominance…So, MS… Reformed, or still the iron fist?I’m not entirely convinced that they’re more evil than Google…

Multimedia Completion March

Bad month for books and games. Been too busy to do that, so I’ve mostly been multitasking videos in amongst other things.Books7. The Lion of the Farside - Interesting ideas behind this one. Alternate world sitting parallel to depression era america. Farmer marries a strange woman who turns out to be from the other world. People from the other world kidnap her, he follows. Games.2. Last Rebellion - One of the easiest rpg’s I’ve ever played.

IPv6 1%

http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2010/03/as-much-as-one-percent-of-the-internet-is-now-using-ipv6.ars1% of the internet has IPv6.Yay!Hopefully we’ll be able to get to 10% within a year or two…


Has anyone else had problems with Netflix DVDs dropping out of their queues lately? It’s getting quite annoying. I have 35 dvds that they’ve just entirely stopped carrying. Sometimes entire series have disappear, sometimes the middle dvd in a series… I bought Fate: Stay Night’s last dvd, but I really can’t do this for every series that I encounter missing discs on, especially if my interest in the series is only marginal (Such as the Kiddie Grade series, which has lost no less than 5 out of its 8 discs in recent months.

4096 byte sectors

http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/news/2010/03/why-new-hard-disks-might-not-be-much-fun-for-xp-users.ars4096 Byte Sectors soon… Time to break yet more software that made assumptions that certain variables weren’t going to change. :)I find the discussion of EFI instead of bios to be interesting. I wonder what it would take to convert existing boards to use that instead of bios? Would they be able to get most systems using EFI?


I’ve been using Last.fm for a long time. One problem just keeps cropping up with it, along with others. Bands with the same name are irrevocably lumped together never to be separated out.Last time it was Goner, where a one-track-band made a single track and posted it up to last.fm, and managed to take over the entry for a band which had 3 whole albums out. This time I ran into the fact that there are two bands named Pollyanna.


Here’s a note to anyone who owns a PS3 or PSP.If you haven’t played it already, go buy Grandia from the PSN store. It’s a bit dated, but it still rates as one of the best games released for the PS1. $10 is a steal compared to what I paid for it on Ebay. The battle system is really what makes it good. It’s not a time-sensitive battle system, but it is time dependent.

Multimedia Completion, February

Another month, another small stack of things finished. Books:5. Cross the Stars. David Drake dips into the Hammers slammers universe to try and mimic the Odyssey. *shrug* It was annoying at points, had a decent enough ending though.6. Neptune Crossing. First book from Jeffrey Carver that I’ve read. I’ll have to read more. Was interesting. A guy who formerly interfaced with computers to pilot shuttles is crippled by incompetent doctors and loses his link, and thus he frequently drops into a state of disconnection from the world… encountering an alien who wants to ride around in his head.

Great post

http://www.bunniestudios.com/blog/?p=918I love it when someone will peel back the layers of what’s going on and tell you something in depth like this. This alone is enough to make me start following his blog. I’ve been thinking of getting a Chumby unit for quite awhile, and this helps a bit as well knowing how much research they’re putting into these things.