Kazriko's Dive
I managed it… 24 games in 24 hours. Earned about $400 for the children’s hospital in Denver. Mostly fun, but I was getting really tired about 6AM.
Here’s all the games I played.
Blade Kitten (PS3) Recettear (PC) Demon’s Souls (PS3) Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii) Dragon Quest 9 (DS) Overlord 2 (PS3) Final Fantasy 4 (PS1) Folklore (PS3) Advance Wars DS (DS) Cladun (PSP) Persona 4 (PS2) Elder Scrolls Oblivion (PC) Etrian Odyssey 3 (DS) Breath of Fire 2 (GBA) ZAngband (PC) Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner (PS2) Dragoneer’s Aria (PSP) Iji (PC) Lunar: Silver Star Harmony (PSP) 3D Dot Game Heroes (PS3) Final Fantasy 6 (PS1) Advance Wars 2 (GBA) Final Fantasy Tactics A2 (DS) Odin Sphere (PS2)
10. Little Brother. It’s a libertarian left book, but a fairly important one for us libertarian right people to pay attention to.
27. Sam and Max: The Tomb of Sammunmak. I realized that I missed this on the original count back when I beat it, so I’m tacking it on here.
28. Recettear. Definitely worth the $20. An item shop simulator. Very Japanese, silly, and a lot of fun.
Bitmob Game Hoarder
This guy is much worse than I am…
My suggestion to him would be to look at every game. Evaluate it on a few categories. A. Did you finish it? B. Will you ever feel like finishing it? C. Will you ever play it again? D. Did you consider it to be a game you really enjoyed? E. Can it be condensed down to where it takes up nearly no space at all?
Started on Little Brother by Cory Doctrow, but haven’t finished it yet.
Games: 21: Sam and Max: Moai Better Blues. Decent fun, not the greatest in the series.
22: Sam and Max: Night of the Raving Dead. Same as above.
23: Sam and Max: Chariots of the Dogs. This was actually an excellent episode. And full of exposition for the future of the series. :)
24: Sam and Max: What’s new, Beelzebub?
It’s interesting to watch the FF14 open beta start up. Different groups going to different servers and the like.
So far, a large group of RPers have settled on the Besaid server, the Shirt Ninjas and the RPGamer groups have gone to Figaro, and a large number of JP people have settled on Mysidia & Figaro. Some are trying to make Cornelia into the EU server. It also seems like a large number of AU people have landed on Gysahl…
The old used games debate is back again with a vengeance.http://www.bitmob.com/articles/why-used-games-are-nothing-at-all-like-piracy-even-for-developers
In any case, I guess it’s time to reiterate my normal position on this. I normally buy new games when given the choice because it’s usually not a huge drain on the budget to do so. Buying new injects more copies into the used stream anyway. I’m not really doing this because it’s piracy or anything, but instead I’m trying to support the developers in making more games that I enjoy.
There has been a debate recently about a ground zero mosque. They certainly have the right to build it, but I believe that tolerance runs both ways and we must not let their intolerance become our intolerance just because we tolerate their right to build on their property.
Thus, one idea I had was that someone should build a restaurant that serves many things including pork products. But in the name of accepting the new neighbors in town, I figured there could be a new combination platter.
I started reading the Odyssey collection from Keith Laumer, but then a chapter in I realized that I had read this book before… I realy need to shell out for a few more e-books!
14: Gurumin: A Monstrous Tale. Fun game, a bit of an action rpg. Platforming elements are tough though, it’s not very forgiving. Camera is dreadful on the final boss, but the game in general is pretty fun.
I think I’m shelving Crimson Gem Saga again. I just can’t get back into the game after all this time… I can’t find a single thing the game does superbly. Everything is either moderately bad or moderately good.
But I also looked into all of the other things I currently have for my PSP and found that I didn’t really feel like playing any of them at the moment. Maybe I need to just go ahead and grab Persona 1 at the $30 price on download even though I usually set my limit at $20 for a single game on download.
A week or two ago I heard that Gamestop was doing a promotion where you go to their store between a certain time frame and get a quest map for your DQ9 game. The only problem being that they had no stores within 200 miles of me that had the map. I briefly debated driving all that way, but spending $50 on gas seemed a bit excessive.
Now I find out that Best Buy is doing a similar promotion, likely with a different map entirely, and they had a list of stores that were participating.