Kazriko's Dive
This post should really be two separate things, but since they both pertain to FF14, I’ll merge them into one.
One of the things I’ve seen repeated from the FF14 team regarding the lack of an auction house in FF14 is that they want crafters to be able to earn a decent wage from the items they craft and to be able to make a profit doing it, and this is why they needed to obfuscate the system in such a way that the buyer cannot get a complete picture of how much an item is worth, and the buyer cannot easily track down all instances of that item that are for sale.
I swear… Government enforced net neutrality people can be downright maddening at times with their lack of logic and lack of knowledge.
I received this email from the ECA wanting me to call Obama and complain that he isn’t advancing government controlled internet further… Never mind that I signed up for the ECA because of the Schwarzenegger supreme court case, and not for this nonsense.
On December 21, the FCC will meet and it’s reported that FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski will outline his Net Neutrality proposal with a vote before the end of the year.
For a long time I’ve been giving a different email address to every company that I deal with. The idea behind this is to keep track of who is selling or giving away my information to third parties. For a long time, the only hit I had gotten with this was Gamefly, and that hit was only a one time thing. Apparently someone had a word document worm and it managed to go out to their customers.
A little low this month.
13: Scott Pilgrim’s Precious little life. Most of this book was covered in the movie, not many surprises. Slightly different in parts.
14: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. This book has a couple large sections that weren’t covered by the movie. Kim Pine is even better in the book than in the movie. The fight sequence in this was way, way shorter though.
I’m saddened by the continued tendency of our people to sacrifice their liberties for the illusion of safety. The TSA’s latest BS that has been almost universally trashed andpanned by everyone I read
Travel is unavoidable for me at work, but I’ll be encouraging them to let me drive whenever it’s within a reasonable distance. Also, whenever we take family vacations, I’m going to try and find an airline that doesn’t involve the TSA, which essentially narrows it down to what are counted as “charter” airlines, or I’m going to drive.
Spoke too soon. Encountered 3 storyline bugs, each on their own potentially game breaking, but together they are certainly game breaking.
1. I was trying to deal with the Great Khans. One of the sub-tasks was to talk to commander moore about making peace between the khans and the NCR. I went there, and the only option available was that “they won’t be bothering anyone further” and it pushed me to the next part of the storyline.
I’ve been listening to people and podcasts of people playing Fallout New Vegas. I think I’ve been fairly lucky so far. I’ve had 2 lockups and one crash to XMB, and I’ve observed a few instances where objects float above the ground, and a couple of instances of characters getting trapped in walls. I had almost no bugs the first couple of days, then somewhere in the middle I had a rash of bugs, but recently it’s been back to smooth sailing aside from that one lockup.
11. Primary Inversion. Second story I’ve read from the Skolia series of books. Was interesting. Strange ending.
12. Twilight at the Well of Souls. More of the same pretty much, except there’s no Com world portion, so it wasn’t as interesting to me.
30. Costume Quest. Lots of fun, simple. You could probably stick a 7-8 year old in front of it and they’d love it, aside from the dialog going by too fast.
$140 for a motherboard that can link two GPU cards from different manufacturers… This is unbelievably tempting for me, but it would require a major reshuffle of my computers. Not exactly an unwelcomed reshuffle though.
Short term: I move the Intel Core i7 to the linux box. The current motherboard in that box goes to the Garage and powers Naoto. I stick my Athlon IIx3 chip on the windows box with this motherboard and put my ATI 5870 and Nvidia 460 on it.
I think I may have figured out the source of the shimmering I saw when doing the demo at Best Buy awhile back on 3d tv. I was looking past my monitor on Emusic’s site where they have a bunch of identical lines where only the album cover and title are different.
When I focused in on two adjacent albums and matched up the stuff that fit, I saw the same shimmering going on with the covers of the albums.