Kazriko's Dive
Did some updates to the old site here. (This applies to the Socia site, not the kazriko2.tumblr.com one.)
Home page is now all of the blog entries from newest to oldest instead of a list of profiles. This was to make the next step a bit easier.
There’s now 2 new domains attached here. kazriko.us and kazriko.com. All so I can easily give out web links.
While I was creating a new domain, I took Gandi.
First, I read an article about how the Maker movement
Makers article at Wired
Then I listened to a pair of podcasts from Coffee & Markets.
Coffee & Markets 8/8/11
Coffee & Markets 8/9/11
The first podcast talks about the middle class getting squeezed out of existence by government redirecting too many resources to retirees and other social programs. (I reject his premise to an extent. He did the “split the pie” nonsense again when what is needed is growing the pie.
I’m really late posting this, haven’t had much time this month to do much of anything. Only thing I did much of was videos, because I can run those while I do other things.
17: The Rolling Stones. One of Heinlein’s juvenile books. Quite good, I miss this sort of optimism in scifi.
18: One Day on Mars. Argh, it’s so hard to figure out who to root for in this.
Didn’t finish much this month. Too busy at work.
16. Mark Twain: Roughing It. Quite interesting, but also a bit of a tough read for me. Like reading a history book.
16: Duke Nukem Forever. A game that doesn’t deserve all of the negativity it generates. It certainly has a lot of parts that are poorly made, such as most of the minigames (Pool, Air Hockey, Pinball…) but the central game was almost entirely like the old Duke Nukem 3d.
I went back and added 999 to the may multimedia post, completely forgot that I finished it.
13: Lucky Star Volume 6. Still fun.
14: Lucky Star Volume 3. Actually getting into the stories they made anime out of in this. Really fun.
15: Erfworld Volume 1. So, I’ve read it already. This time I have it in dead tree form.
12: Portal 2 Coop. Yeah, I already counted Portal 2, but I finally finished the Coop mode.
13: Dragon Quest 6. Fun old game.
After Haruhi Suzumiya and Memento shows seem to be more free to mix up their timelines and scramble them up by attempting to make the shows more interesting. With Haruhi, the series was pretty good even in chronological order even if the storyline made more sense out of order. With Memento, it absolutely made sense for them to rearrange it in the way they did for storyline reasons, and it was entirely consistent and not random.
The title is a bit of a joke, but I have a few thoughts on the whole thing that happened this Sunday.
First off, I’m quite disappointed by the celebrations and such that happened after that. We should be better than that. Sure, it was a necessary thing to do, but it’s not something we should be happy about. He was a threat to be dealt with, like a wolf in the pasture or a fox in the henhouse.
Funny, I tried to write down all of the games I finished in April, and completely forgot Pokemon Black. I guess that means it didn’t really stick in my mind much. It wasn’t a bad game, but I guess I’ve grown away from that sort of simplistic rpg.
I’ve gone back and updated the previous post.
3. Fall of Atlantis: Marion Z Bradley. This has to be one of the more annoying books I’ve read recently, and the reason I didn’t finish any books in March. Silly tribal magic stuff combined with ridiculous superstitions about pregnancy and child bearing, then they throw in caste based ceremonial rape into the mix. Things like this just irritate me to no end, and if I weren’t such a completionist I’d have just deleted the book half-way through.