Kazriko's Dive
20. One Jump Ahead. Mark L Van Name. Quite interesting, showing a mercenary sort of character’s thought processes as he works through a way to swindle a government and two mega corporations to get what he wants and rescue a girl…
19. Resistance 3. Pretty good, better than 2. I think I like the pseudo-regeneration in 1 better than the pure medkit style of 3. Story is derivative, but fits with the universe.
The splitting of Netflix’s DVD and Streaming service has me thinking. The way that we say what media we want to view and keep track of it is outdated and very walled-garden like. This adds another layer of maintenance tasks that I need to do by hand because of a lack of a unified agent for all of these sites that I use to accomplish the same task. That task… is acquiring media of various forms.
I noticed I had 1700 spam messages in my box so I thought I’d do a quick sift through them like I do randomly. As usual, filtering out a handful of addresses I no longer use killed 2/3rds of it, and much of the remainder was addresses that have never existed. Maybe 60 messages were things that weren’t spam.
During the sift, I found two more companies that either lost track of my email address, or sold it though.
Just one,
19: Bolos - Last Stand. Pretty good collection of Bolo stories. I’ve barely read the series and now I want to go find more.
Too busy this month for games. :(
56. Children of Dune. I’ve never been much into this series, but it wasn’t terrible.
57. Kamichu!. Very cute, though awfully cargo-cultish when it comes to the Poverty god.
58. Negima!. Interesting… Odd ending.
Every once in awhile I get excited to hear about one of my old PS2 games getting re-released for another system. Just recently, Persona 4 was announced for PSVita. I always get briefly excited for a decrease in the number of games I need to finish before I get rid of my old, obsolete PS2 system and its clunky memory cards. Then I look at the mountain of games still incomplete for the system and despair.
Did some updates to the old site here. (This applies to the Socia site, not the kazriko2.tumblr.com one.)
Home page is now all of the blog entries from newest to oldest instead of a list of profiles. This was to make the next step a bit easier.
There’s now 2 new domains attached here. kazriko.us and kazriko.com. All so I can easily give out web links.
While I was creating a new domain, I took Gandi.
First, I read an article about how the Maker movement
Makers article at Wired
Then I listened to a pair of podcasts from Coffee & Markets.
Coffee & Markets 8/8/11
Coffee & Markets 8/9/11
The first podcast talks about the middle class getting squeezed out of existence by government redirecting too many resources to retirees and other social programs. (I reject his premise to an extent. He did the “split the pie” nonsense again when what is needed is growing the pie.
I’m really late posting this, haven’t had much time this month to do much of anything. Only thing I did much of was videos, because I can run those while I do other things.
17: The Rolling Stones. One of Heinlein’s juvenile books. Quite good, I miss this sort of optimism in scifi.
18: One Day on Mars. Argh, it’s so hard to figure out who to root for in this.
Didn’t finish much this month. Too busy at work.
16. Mark Twain: Roughing It. Quite interesting, but also a bit of a tough read for me. Like reading a history book.
16: Duke Nukem Forever. A game that doesn’t deserve all of the negativity it generates. It certainly has a lot of parts that are poorly made, such as most of the minigames (Pool, Air Hockey, Pinball…) but the central game was almost entirely like the old Duke Nukem 3d.
I went back and added 999 to the may multimedia post, completely forgot that I finished it.