
Kazriko's Dive

January 2012 Multimedia

Books: Just one, 1. Kaspar’s Box. Yet another Chalker book I’m highly disappointed in. At first it felt like I was reading a very interesting book in the vein of The Wizard of Karres. By the end though, the whole thing just fizzles out and crashes into a complete and dull non-ending. Games. Ridiculous numbers of them. 1. Rage. Took a break from Skyrim to plow through this one, and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Skyrim, Solatorobo, Rage

It’s already been an incredibly productive month for games. Rage was the first game I finished a few weeks ago. I was frustrated at Skyrim for being so buggy, so I took a break and plowed through this one. Just about 17 hours from start to finish. The second was Solatorobo. I’ve been working on it for several months. It’s an ideal game for bite sized gaming sessions, usually just a half hour or so before I go to sleep.

December 2011 Multimedia Completion

Not going to be much of a post for december of 2011… But the year end total? 22 books, 22 games, and 96 video series/movies/etc. Books: Nada. Half-way through Kaspar’s Box though. Games: None. Played a lot of Skyrim, solatorobo, and Bastion, but didn’t finish any of them. Videos: 90. Lost in Space. Interesting update of the original… 91. Outlaw Star. I’m not really happy with this series. I probably would have been if I watched it back when it was on TV though… I’ve gotten tired of some of the anime tropes it uses.


Mostly gift cards this year, but happily $70 of the gift cards were PSN. Picked up Corpse Party for $20, Trine 2 for $15, Assassin’s Creed 2 bundle for $13, and Red Dead Redemption bundle for $25. Also received a copy of Rage, which I’m sure I’ll find entertaining. I ended up passing on the Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood $25 bundle, and the Borderlands $15 bundle. I need to see if AC is good first, and I have Borderlands already on Steam.

Multimedia of the year, 2011

I shuffled through everything I’ve finished this year and picked out the ones that were the most fun for me. Not counting December of course… but I’m not sure what could change this list at this point. Books: One Day on Mars The Rolling Stones Storm from the Shadows Quantum Connection Mogworld Games: Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Tales of Monkey Island Disgaea 4 Stacking Portal 2 Videos:

November 2011 Multimedia Completion

Wow, I didn’t have much time for entertainment this month… Books: 22: The Wizard of Karres: a sequel to an old Schmitz book. Written by the Shadow of the Lion folks (Mercedes Lackey, Eric Flint, Dave Freer) Games: 22: Uncharted 3. Finished this on Hard. Oddly, it’s almost more fun than Uncharted 2. UC2 I quit after finishing once, UC3 I immediately started replaying on Crushing. Videos: 87: Pixar Short Films Collection Vol1.

Music aggregators?

I just had a thought while I was fiddling with Emusic and looking to download my monthly allotment of music… There’s a ton of bands I listen to where I lose track of them and find myself 1-2 discs behind. Bowling for Soup I missed their 2009 release entirely and only picked it up in 2011. I don’t have time to check up on all of the bands I listen to and see if they’ve released new stuff.

Adventures in RSS feeds

Google Reader recently was stripped of much of its useful functionality. This makes it a bit hard to get the word out on new locations for some of the information I used to share there. Hopefully some of the people who I knew on google reader will have this blog marked, and the rest probably have Google+. There are two new RSS feeds that you can add. One should be added to a “Comments” folder to replicate the old recent comments functionality, the other should go into a “Shared” folder that would replace the shared items from the old system.

October 2011 Multimedia Completion

Books 21. Slanted Jack. Sequel to the book I finished last month. I really should pick it up and try to get more than 24 books in this year. Games 21. Disgaea 4. Spent all month working on this one. It’s addictive. Videos 75-80. Doctor Who: The Ribos Operation, The Pirate Planet, The Stones of Blood, The Androids of Tara, The Power of Kroll, The Armageddon Factor. This is really one very, very long series of all interconnected stories.

PSN video

I keep checking PSN video and comparing it to other ways that I could rent/buy movies and tv shows, and I must say, it’s horribly overpriced. Take House. I missed some episodes in the middle of season 5, but I’m not 100% certain where I stopped watching. It’d be $48 to buy all of season 5 on PSN or another one of these video streaming sites at $2 an episode.