
Kazriko's Dive

Persona 3 Portable final stats

As I noted in my multimedia post, I’ve finally finished Persona 3 Portable. Here’s the final stats. I’m going to redo this now that I know I can’t finish Empress, and max out one of the others. Automatic Links: Death Max Fool Max Judgement Max Date Links: Strength Rank Max Justice Rank Max Empress Rank 9 Lovers Rank 3 Priestess Rank 3 Misc links: Magician Rank Max Emperor Rank Max Chariot Rank Max Fortune Rank Max Hanged Rank Max Temperence Max Moon Max Devil Max Sun Max Tower Max Aeon Max Hermit Rank Max Hierophant Rank 9 Not Started:

September 2012 Multimedia Completion

Books: 7. Redshirts. An excellent book, picks at the old Star Trek style of disposable characters. 8. Fight club. I’m not a fan of nihilism, and this book is a story of the descent into insanity and nihilism for an insomniac with multiple personalities. I think the movie was a bit better. Games: 28. Trainyard (Full version) Fun, but after finishing it I had little motivation to do the bonus puzzles.

Persona 3 Portable

I may be looking at finishing my very first Shin Megami Tensei games. I’ve always appreciated them, but found it hard to play them all the way to the end. I’m now about 40 in-game days away from the ending, and feeling pretty good about it. I’m surprised at how many social links I was able to finish, given that I didn’t have any grasp on the optimal way to get them all.


With the imminent release of Steam for Linux on the horizon, I’m thinking about how to reshuffle my systems for this eventuality. I’ve already pushed my i7 out to being a linux server, but that means it’s unavailable for gaming. I’ve been using an Athlon x3 as my gaming PC as of late, and have my always-on windows system running on a E350 system for its low-power capabilities. The other thing that is imminent is the release of Piledriver processors from AMD.

August 2012 Multimedia Completion

Books: None. Still working on Mistborn on paperback. Games: 19: Uncharted: Golden Abyss 8/1 (Platinum 8/12) Probably the 3rd best Uncharted game yet. 20: Trainyard Express (Android) 8/2 (Including all bonus puzzles, 8/4) Not bad. A puzzle game that borders on programming a bit. 21: PA:OTRSPOD3 (PC) 8/3 Not terrible. Not quite as much fun as the first two. 22: Commander Keen 1(PC) 8/10 Old, hard, and short. 23: Bastion (PC) 8/11 I lost interest several times during this game, but I still recommend it overall.

July 2012 Multimedia

Books: I started on a paper book, so I didn’t end up getting it finished before the end of the month. Games: 16. Rochard. Interesting puzzle platformer, held back by its insistence on shooting areas. 17. Ys Seven. Great action RPG. Reminds me a lot of Amalur. 18. Breath of Death 7. This is the sort of RPG I would probably make if I made one. It’s not really BAD, but it’s also not really good.

June 2012 Multimedia

Books. 6. Moon Flower. Just like the other Hogan book I’ve read recently, he takes the US society and makes it into a straw-man dystopia so that he can show how much better his other society he’s showing is. Not a whole lot of action in the book, but it is decent. Games. 12. Resistance: Burning Skies. Mercifully short. Got the platinum and traded it in. 13. Asura’s Wrath. Also pretty short, but decent.

Who names their studio this?

I just watched a movie called the Secret of Kells. Quite good, though what made me laugh was the name of one of the production companies involved. “Tax Shelter Ing Invest of Tax Shelter Productions” Who names their company that? Are they trying to draw the attention of their local taxing agency?

May 2012 Multimedia

Books: 2. Books of Skyrim. Argh, did this ever take a long time to finish… It’s just so… boring in sections. 3. Mission of Honor. More and more threads finally coming together in the Honor Harrington series. 4. Much Fall of Blood. The new characters in this are even more entertaining than the old ones. more interesting than the last one, “This Rough Magic” 5. Lost at Sea. Meandering and lost for about 2/3rds of the book, then it finally comes into focus and gets good.

Amalur Titles

Amalur is even more ridiculous than Skyrim when it comes to titles you earn during the game. I’m currently… The Fateless One (you start with this) The King of the House of Ballads, Truesworn of the Warsworn The Hero of Mel Senshir (And Siegebreaker) Last of the House of Sorrows Archmage of the Scholia Arcana And others… this doesn’t even count all the tiny ones like the master of Gravehal and such.