Kazriko's Dive
Because the built in commenting system in tumblr is so atrocious, I’m making this post for the discussion of the NRA vs Video Games debate that seems to be happening and the misconceptions therein.
Ultimately, in my view the problem is that the media and the government is trying very hard to divide us and turn us against each other. They started investigating all these causes related to “violence” in order to get movies, video games, the NRA, and other groups to turn on each other and fracture the supporters of the bill of rights into different camps.
I finally maxed out all the social links this pass around.
Also beat Margaret. She’s pretty tough even on easy mode though.
Then finished the midnight quiz show. That means… I’m done for now. I only have the Compulsive Reader trophy left, but I’m burnt out on Persona for the moment. Maybe march or april I’ll go back and get all the books.
I almost managed to get the 100% social links trophy for P4G on my second pass…
But Ai Ebihara only appeared 2 days a week in January, so that left me 2 events short.
Now that I don’t need to get the Hardcore Risette Fan trophy again, I restarted at 11/7 and changed my tactics a bit. That was a 17 hour rewind, but I’m back to 12/22 with only using 5 hours this time, and at 150 hours total.
Mission of Honor: David Weber Mistborn: Brandon Sanderson Much Fall of Blood: Lackey/Flint/Freer Lost at Sea: Bryan Lee O'malley Redshirts: John Scalzi Games: (3 Vita games, pretty impressive.)
Persona 4 Golden (PSVita) (P3P and P4A would also be on the list, but only adding one game per series.) Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (PS3) Gravity Rush (PSVita) Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward (PSVita) Solatorobo: Red the Hunter (DS) Videos: (3 of these are free on Amazon Prime right now.
I was lazy again and didn’t finish any more books.
42: Zone of Enders HD (PS3) 12/4
43: Persona 4 Golden (PSVita) 12/26
104: Doctor Who: Ghostlight. Kinda interesting?
105: Doctor Who: The Curse of Fenric. Actually very interesting how it looped around. 106: Doctor Who: Survival. The original series kinda goes out with a whimper…
107: Doctor Who: The Movie. It’s too bad they didn’t turn this into a real series, because it would have been entertaining.
P4G finished!
Final Social Link Status is… 18 Maxed, 4 not maxed, 1 not started.
Going to do at least 1 more pass on this game. I missed some of the quests because I didn’t get to the bug catching and fishing early enough. That’s what held up Hermit, for example. I’m really happy that they gave you another month in January in this version. I was able to finish up Lovers, Moon, Hierophant, and Hanged Man because of it.
Much noise has been made lately about Kickstarter and failed projects therein. I figured I’d go ahead and look at the ones I’d backed, and what I’ve gotten from them so far.
Doublefine Adventure. 3/13. $30 I’ve gotten a number of nice videos to watch, though I have no time to watch them. game is still being produced. They missed their estimated delivery date, but understandable because of how much their budget went up.
Whoops, didn’t actually finish any books this month. Tried to get into a couple, but…
Games: 36: Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward (PSVita) 11/1 Platinum!
37: Rayman Origins (PSVita) 11/8
38: Picross 3D (DS) 11/9
39: Arc the Lad (PS1/PSVita) 11/13
40: Ratchet and Clank: Up your arsenal HD (PS3) 11/16
41: Suikoden 1 (PS1/PSVita) 11/20
Actually, a pretty slow video month. Mostly just grinding down the last of old Doctor Who now that they’re reliably available on Netflix.
9. Mistborn. Excellent book, I really want to go find the sequel now. Games
33. Assassin’s Creed. A bit draggy and touchy at times, but it was enjoyable enough. I’ll get to the second one sometime here. 34. Disgaea 3. Still one of the better tactical rpgs. I like 4 better though. 35. Folklore. I marathoned this for Extralife this year. Great game, better than I thought it would be.
Forgot to post about it here, but I’m streaming my extralife game, Folklore, at http://twitch.tv/kazriko
Drop by and comment on it. :)