I’ve been tilting at a couple more windmills this month. The big one is IPv6. I’ve gotten my home network back up, this time through a Hurricane Electric tunnel. I’ve poked the new IT company that my new megacorp parent company hired to do our IT and prodded them about planning our IPv6 transition again. I’ve also mentioned yet again to another person from my home internet provider that it would be really nice to have IPv6 natively.
I’ve also been trying to push people to actually start using my GPG key. I’ve added big notices to my signature for my email, I’ve added a big notice to the front of my homepage, but only 1 person has ever used my GPG public key to send me an email message. :(
I hope that people realize that it takes time to setup IPv6, and that it will become important here in the next 3 years… and that sending email without encrypting it is like putting the details of your private life on the back of a postcard and mailing it…
But people are SO lazy. They whine and whine about email privacy, but won’t lift a finger to do anything about it… and they would rather wait until the last minute and throw some slipshod junky IPv6 equipment in without testing it instead of gradually doing the work up front…
More Windmill Tilting
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2 minute read