June 2011 Multimedia Completion

· 202 words · 1 minute read

Didn’t finish much this month. Too busy at work.


16. Mark Twain: Roughing It. Quite interesting, but also a bit of a tough read for me. Like reading a history book.


16: Duke Nukem Forever. A game that doesn’t deserve all of the negativity it generates. It certainly has a lot of parts that are poorly made, such as most of the minigames (Pool, Air Hockey, Pinball…) but the central game was almost entirely like the old Duke Nukem 3d.


38: Eden of the East. 12 people given 100 million, told to save the country? Quite interesting.

39: Mezzo Forte. Short, to the point. Unlike the TV show, the characters have no qualms at all about killing the bad people…

40: Iria: Zeiram. I didn’t really care for it…

41: Hoodwinked. Better than I expected, given that it’s a massive-famous-cast sort of movie. Patrick Warburton saves it, as usual.

42: Doctor Who: The Deadly Assassin. Hated it. Quit half-way. I suppose I should finish it before sending it back just to see if the Doctor wins the election…

43: Cromartie High. Very, Very interesting. Delinquent high school, except full of things like Freddie Mercury clones, gorillas, aliens, and robots…