Fallout New Vegas

· 236 words · 2 minute read

I’ve been listening to people and podcasts of people playing Fallout New Vegas. I think I’ve been fairly lucky so far. I’ve had 2 lockups and one crash to XMB, and I’ve observed a few instances where objects float above the ground, and a couple of instances of characters getting trapped in walls. I had almost no bugs the first couple of days, then somewhere in the middle I had a rash of bugs, but recently it’s been back to smooth sailing aside from that one lockup. It’s drastically better than Fallout 3 so far as far as crashing goes…

And I’m really enjoying it, aside from the 4 endings and it seemingly branching so early… In one of the 4 storyline endings, about 23-24 hours in I’m already at the point of no return with it, so I’m having to progress the other storylines to a similar point now.

Money is extremely easy to come by in this game though. The scavenging is sparser though, so I suppose more money is a good thing.

Some of the comments about FNV have been pretty funny, Fear and loathing in New Vegas I haven’t had many bugs like that, but I did see people sliding backwards. I walked over and stood behind the person who was sliding and suddenly that one person split into two and stopped sliding. I guess they spawned on top of each other…